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Could You Imagine How Different Your Wedding Business and Life Would Be If You Had The Help You Needed to Attract Your Dream Clients And Take Your Wedding Business To The Next Level?

More Bridal Inquiries

More bridal inquiries from quality bridal couples that you'd LOVE to work with. You know those dream clients that never question your rates, pay on time, love you, and become your biggest fans and brand ambassadors for years and years to come!

More Time

More time for yourself to spend away from your business (Guilt-free) without losing momentum and client bookings. Knowing that bridal couples are still finding you and everything is still working on autopilot behind the scenes.

More Money

More money to pay yourself, expand your wedding business, buy new stock, and employ more staff. Or what about that dream car, home upgrade or vactation you've been talking about for more years than you can remember.

Let's Be Honest!

Are you doing enough?

  • You could be doing more, couldn't you?
  • You could try harder, couldn't you?
  • You could figure all of this out on your own, couldn't you?

Nats - Wedding Business Pro

Hey there, thanks for checking out my marketing VA services.

Below you'll find my unique 12-step plan that I recommend every wedding business follow if they want to build an incredible marketing machine for their wedding business.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

My Unique 12-Step Marketing Plan for Wedding Pros

Over the years, I've come to realize that there are 12 strategic marketing elements that every wedding business needs to tick off if they want to ATTRACT their dream bridal clients:

  1. Pricing & Packages
  2. Brand Alignment
  3. Social Media Strategies
  4. Website & Landing Pages
  5. SEO & Google Rankings
  6. Blogging & Pinterest
  7. Email Marketing, CRM & Automations
  8. Online Presence
  9. Referrals & Preferred Vendor Strategy
  10. Outreach & Relationships
  11. PR, Publications and Features
  12. Paid Ads Strategy

If you try to do a couple of these, but leave out the others - you'll never acheive your truest potential.

1. Pricing & Packages

By far - THE MOST IMPORTANT starting point for any marketing plan should be your pricing and packages.

It's pointless sending a ton of traffic and bridal inquiries your way if you're pricing and packages is not optimized to 'sell' to bridal couples.

I have a unique way of pricing for wedding pros that will take you on a transformational journey.

You'll know exactly what to charge and more importantly how to package your products and services to easily 'sell' to your dream clients without being salesy!

2. Brand Alignment

Now you have your pricing and packages all set out - it's time to focus on aligning your brand to your new pricing levels.

Trust me, you'll need to do this - even if you already have a premium branding.

Brand alignment isn't just about your logo, your business colors, and the fonts you use....

It's also about the way you 'come across'

Your brand voice!

The way you 'position' your brand has everything to do with everything!

3. Social Media Strategies

I'm sure I don't have to convince you about the importance of your social media strategies.

So, I'm not going to go on too much here other that to mention this...

Just because you have a premium wedding business - doesn't mean you can go half-hearted with your social media posting schedule.

My strategy is completely different from anything you'll ever come across from any other social media manager that works within the wedding industry...


Because, I understand the psychology and timeline of a bridal couple and use this unique perspective to use your SM accounts as an automated lead generation machine.

4. Website & Landing Pages

Another crucial step in my marketing plan is your website, especially if you offer services to a host of clientele.

Brides and bridal couples are obsessed with research and WILL check out your website before booking your services...

And if they don't feel a connection with your brand via your website - they'll just click off and move on to your competitors.

My focus for this step of the marketing plan is to ensure that brides feel a connection, feel confident, and feel comfortable to reach out for more information about your offerings.

I also create a logical workflow to ensure they are lead from page to page, to your landing page and lead capture form without any distractions.

5. SEO & Google Rankings

If you Google 'your business category in your location' - are you showing up at the top of Google?

What about those FAQ's that brides query online - are you answering any of those questions with value-based blog posts?

What about Google Search Console - Are you using it to index your website pages, blog posts, and landing pages?

Let's not even go into Keywords - are you using SEO in your social media posts, blog posts, and of course, on Pinterest?

PS. Bing is also a search engine that I focus on in this step

6. Blogging & Pinterest

My blogging strategy is by far, the most beneficial step in this whole process.

Yes, every step is crucial - but this one will stand you out above every other brand in your category.

Just to put this in perspective for you - I charge over $1k for my blogging courses because I only want this strategy getting into the hands of serious wedding pros that understand the importance of this step.


As for Pinterest, there's a reason why I combine it with Blogging and that's because it's the best way to share your blog posts if you want to attract your dream clients.

7. Email Marketing, CRM & Automations

This step is totally packed with umph for your wedding business!

Be honest - how many bridal inquiries have slipped through the net because you didn't have a solid email marketing system in place.

And what about your existing clients - what's there experience? Are you wowing them with your onboarding expereince?

Did you remember to send out anniversary emails this year?

How amazing would it be to have ALL of this set out in a robust email system that works while you're sleeping, whilst your on vacation, or when you're busy during that hectic wedding season.

8. Your Online Presence

If I typed your business name into a Google search bar (or any other online search engine) - how many pages would your brand fill up? 3 spots, 1 page, 2 pages, 3 pages?

What about Google Places, Maps, and your Google Business Profile?


Wedding Directories?

Wedding Blog Sites?

Wedding Magazine Sites?

Guest Posts?

Google Reviews, Facebook Reviews, Yelp, Nice Job?

How many backlinks are you getting back to your website?

So many wedding pros skip this step when they try to market their wedding business - they're going in blind!

How would it feel to have full scope of your wedding business with a tailored plan to ensure your optimizing your presence online?

9. Referrals & Preferred Vendor Strategies

I can tell you from experience, when you become a preferred vendor at a popular wedding venue or with another wedding supplier that gets a ton of weddings - you're world will change.

I used this strategy with my wedding planning and decor company years ago and was literally booked out with weddings.

And the same applies when you concentrate on getting referrals (and showing them off in the right way)


10. Outreach & Relationships

You could consider this in the same department as 'networking' but I like to take it a step or two further than just attending a few events and giving out your business card.

When you understand the importance of connections and relationships - you'll fly!

But there's a way to succeed and definite way to fail!

I make sure you succeed!

Building long-lasting relationsihips and connections with the best in the business in your area.

Trust me - this is more imporatant than you might realize right now!

11. PR, Publications & Features

Have you noticed one thing that stands out amongst premium wedding brands and businesses?

They all showcase where their wedding business has been featured on their websites.


Because it works!

It's one of the quickest ways to establish trustworthiness, credibility and authority with your dream clients.

Getting your weddings featured and published in the best wedding magazines and on the best wedding blogs should be at the forefront of your mind and play a big role in your marketing plan.

12. Paid Ads Strategy

Saving the best to last - it's Paid Ads.

I don't believe that any wedding business should be spending money on ads before they fulfil the first 11 steps in this marketing plan.


You're wasting your time, money, and your brand is portraying as 'desperate' for business...

Not an attractive sign for your dream clients.

But, if you follow my unique Ads strategy - you won't have to worry because I do it in a subtle way that shows off your wedding business without coming across as salesy or desparate for bookings.

Ok, I think that's enough reading for now...

But, I'm sure you're intigued and would love to know more about me...

So here's the quick version:

2009 - Started my wedding planning company

2010 - Started an online wedding magazines business

2011 - Started an online wedding directory

2013 - Added wedding decor and flower services

2013 - Started a National bridal fairs event company

2016 - Had my 4th child and felt ready to simplify my life so I could spend time being mom, so I hung up my wedding planner shoes

2017 - Started Wedding Business Pro and offered SEO, blogging, and social media management services.

2021 - Added coaching to my services

2022 - Hosted The Virtual Wedding Business Expo

As you can see - my life has been embed in the wedding industry for many many years.

I can confidently reassure you that I know what I'm talking about...

But let's take a look at some of my reviews to help you feel more comfortable working with me.

What others are saying

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“Your thought provoking questions and advice literally gave me a light bulb moment for the business. Pricing has been whats held me back for years and I’m so grateful to have been able to connect with you to help me get over this road block. It was also helpful that you can relate to where I am. Beyond being able to move forward with pricing you solidified my mentality of not undervaluing the business."

— Eboni - Planner in Atlanta, GA —

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“Nats is incredible. I’ve been in the wedding industry for decades, but after my coaching session with Nats, my perspective changed drastically. Specifically the pricing coaching. It’s so easy to get lost in comparing your prices to others and to get too personal about your self-worth. Nat’s mapped it out with me focusing on what I want and I finally saw the light.

Clarity” is the perfect name for her coaching..that’s exactly what she gave me!"

— Tracy - Wedding Designer in SA —

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“I can't express enough gratitude for the tremendous work you've done. You were the catalyst I needed to move my business forward. Thank you once again for your hard work and dedictation. I have no doubt that your expertise will continue to be a valuable asset wherever you focus your efforts. I will be certain to recommend you in the future to other wedding professionals in need of your services"

— Breanna - Photographer in Utah —

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“Oh MY goodess! Such a great call, I’m on fireee!!! Thank you so much. I absolutely love our calls

— Elysse – Event Rentals in California —

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“Natalie is awesome and really knows Facebook ads! Especially in the wedding industry! She is a rock star!!!”

— Anthony - 'Central Coast Bride' in California —

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“Natalie, I want to thank you for your amazing work creating fantastic content for us on Instagram over the course of the year, as well as the FB Ads. You are on top of my list for any future social media management needs.”

— Leon – Legacy Cruises & Events in California —

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“Natalie has been an absolutely FANTASTIC writer for me. I talked to a TON of writers for this position and Natalie stood out because of her past experience writing for other wedding professionals and she definitely did impress with her first assignment! Since she’s started working with me she’s done a fantastic job at writing 20+ articles for me and I don’t need to micro-manage her at all. She gets the work done in a super timely manner, it’s a great job every time, and she keeps me up-to-date if there were any hiccups or anything. If you need an English writer for your website, I can’t recommend her enough!”

— Gary - Wedding Photographer in Connecticut —

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“Natalie has been working with our bridal boutque for many years and has been an imperative asset to our business success, even during COVID our business continued to grow and we can't thank her enough for her guidance, advice, and support over the years. We have been top of Google for years, and Natalie continues to impress us with her level of expertise and out of the box marketing strategies that have helped us win back-to-back awards and become the leading bridal boutique in SA!”

— Pauline – Bridal Boutique in SA —

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"Thank you so much for all the help. Both the calculator & pricing consultation were beneficial and essential for me. 

I appreciate you and wish you all the best"

— Ksenia - Wedding Photographer in Seattle —

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“Overall, I really appreciate how you are transparent and honest...Which is what really stood out to me on hiring you in the first place. I appreciate you KNOWING I needed to move Backwards in order to go Forward. You Get It!! You KNOW this industry!”

— Taneshia – Wedding Planner in Nebraska —

Virtual Wedding Marketing Assistance for Wedding Pros

As you can see - I definitely have the experience and the expertise to help you...

The decision you now have to make is simple - will you work with me or take the DIY route?

The DIY route is absolutely fine if you're going to follow through and actually do what needs to be done to market your wedding business correctly...

But, if you're like the majority of wedding pros out there that just run out of time and momentum to get things done...

I invite you to download my packages

Got Questions?

Great, feel free to email me at