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Get Ready to ENHANCE your life and take your wedding business to the next INCOME LEVEL with the PROtoPREMIUM Coaching Program!

Imagine How Different Your Life Would Be If You Charged More for Your Services & Aligned Your Business With High Quality Clients!

But, It's Not That Easy is it?

Setting your wedding prices and packages is a headache and can keep wedding pros paralyzed at the same income level for years and even decades!

I've been coaching wedding pros with their pricing for a while now and noticed 3 reasons why most wedding business owners are getting stuck...

  1. They worry about what their competitors are charging!
  2. They're stressed about losing customers!
  3. They don't feel worthy enough!

Can you resonate?

Is This You?

Are You Constantly Comparing and Worrying About Your Competitors and What They're Charging?

Do You Worry That Customers Won't Pay For Your Wedding Services if You Raise Your Prices?

Are You Constantly Changing Your Prices But Then Reverting Back to Your Lower Rates?

Here's The Truth!

You'll NEVER get to the next income level in your wedding business if you continue to believe these limiting beliefs and continue to price your services the way you're doing it now!

The question is...

Are you willing to change?

Introducing The ProtoPremium Private Coaching Program for Wedding Pros


Are You Ready For More?

During this 6-week coaching program:

We'll dissolve all of the negative and limiting beliefs holding you back!

We'll unpack EXACTLY what you want!

We'll develop new prices and create packages that are perfectly aligned with your dream clients!

We'll create a brand new pricing and information guide!

We'll create an automated email sequence to accompany your pricing guide!

And we'll create a brand new marketing strategy to help you attract high-quality bridal couples who can easily afford your new rates!


Between coaching calls - you will have direct access to me in the DMs or on Whatsapp to ask me questions or to get my advice on anything related to your progress!


I have all sorts of unique tools and templates that will help you on your transformation journey, including my premium pricing templates and more!


All of my coaching clients get a copy of my book - PROtoPREMIUM. This quick read ebook will give you even more insights and knowledge to help you on your journey!

What others are saying

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“Your thought provoking questions and advice literally gave me a light bulb moment for the business. Pricing has been whats held me back for years and I’m so grateful to have been able to connect with you to help me get over this road block. It was also helpful that you can relate to where I am. Beyond being able to move forward with pricing you solidified my mentality of not undervaluing the business."

— Eboni - Planner in Atlanta, GA —

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“Nats is incredible. I’ve been in the wedding industry for decades, but after my coaching session with Nats, my perspective changed drastically. Specifically the pricing coaching. It’s so easy to get lost in comparing your prices to others and to get too personal about your self-worth. Nat’s mapped it out with me focusing on what I want and I finally saw the light.

Clarity” is the perfect name for her coaching..that’s exactly what she gave me!"

— Tracy - Wedding Designer in SA —

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“Nats, you have been the catalyst for helping me move my wedding photography business forward!”

— Breanna - Photographer in Utah

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“Oh MY goodess! Such a great call, I’m on fireee!!! Thank you so much. I absolutely love our calls

— Elysse – Event Rentals in California —

Let Me Help You Change Your Life in Just 6 Weeks!


After signing up - you'll be invited to book your first call with me at a date and time that suits you!

Coaching Payment


Frequently Asked Questions

Nats I Wedding Business Pro

Thank you for taking the time to check out my coaching program.

I've been coaching for many years now and can honestly say, pricing is the biggest hurdle that wedding pros come up against, especially if they're carrying money issues from their past.

This coaching program is transformative.

Together, we will go on an indepth journey, unpacking everything getting in your way so you can move forward into a life of ease and abundance.

Trust me, this works!

Pease feel free to reach out if you have any questions.